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Our donors

To recognize the value of every contribution, we list our benefactors alphabetically.

"We support Project 2 because we believe every OPRF student deserves to learn in updated, safe, and accessible spaces."

~ Ann  & Carl Kreiter

"OPRF can change lives for the better! I believe in the power of excellence in public education and am thrilled to support the Foundation."
~ Laura Maychruk 

"OPRFHS is the most important asset of our vibrant community and attracts families like mine to raise and educate our children."

~ Ainsley Borel

2025 Donor Roll

Doug and Betsy Armstrong
Paul and Leah Beckwith
Ainsley and Lois Borel
Joy Bressler
Graham and Sandy Brisben
Byline Bank
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Catherine Chavez
Thomas Coates
Abe Chernin and Sarah Coleman
Kathryn Conway
Judy and Tapas K. Das Gupta
Linda Dunne**
Thomas J. Dwyer Jr. & Amy A. Dwyer
Thomas Sr. and Martha Dwyer
Jack and Stephanie Flynn
Good Heart Work Smart Foundation*
The Guenthner-Ashton Family Fund

Michael and Janet Hanley
Kim and Mark Hoyt
Liz and Dan Huber
The Huseby Family
Lamar and Lisa Johnson
Lynn Kamenitsa and Jon Hale
John and Steffani Le Fevour
Melissa Lutz 
John and Michele Lynch
Laura and Andrew Maychruk
Paula O'Connor
Sanjay Patel and Karen Lareau
Mike and Lynette Poirier
Darius and Susan Povilaitis
Friends of the Huskie Wrestling Family
John and Therese Rigas
Kim Fideler Robinson
The Romans Family

Elise and Simon Saddleton
The Schmahl Family
Mary Jo and Stephen Schuler
Teddy and Norah Scott
Renee and Michael Sichlau
Julie Sievert
Inga and Bob Simitz
The Simon Family
Sallie and Mark Smylie
Michele Taylor

**In Honor of Coach Gary Olson

2024 Donor Roll

Cathy Adduci
The Affelder Weissglass Family
Mark Arbeen**
Sheila Anderson
Jim Arey**
Fred and Jing Arkin
The Avalos Family
M. Bassett-Dilley*
Paul and Leah Beckwith
Lauren and Brian Behan
Carol and Steve Bell*
Natasha Berg
Barbara Best***
Colleen Biggins*
Bill and Julie Blankemeier
Ainsley and Lois Borel
Simone Boutet
Therese Brennock**
Susan and Nick Bridge
Graham and Sandy Brisben
Lynn Butler
Sarina Butler
Mark and Miriam Burkland
Byline Bank
Paul and Sherry Carbery
Linda Carlson*
Melanie Chapman
Abe Chernin and Sarah Coleman
Kendra Chiprich
James Coughlin**
Norman Hirsch and Ann Courter
Jessica Daly
Sofia Daly*
Judy and Tapas K. Das Gupta
Rich Davis**
Barbara DeHaan***
Jon and Kelly Deloriea
The Deogracias Family
Deb DeTroye*
Anna Dowd***
Jim and Dawn Drumm
Ann Duesterbeck*
Kate Dunne**
Linda Dunne**
Liz Dunne**
Anne R. Dwyer and John Wohlford Jr.
Thomas J. Dwyer Jr. & Amy A. Dwyer
Thomas Sr. and Martha Dwyer
Melissa and Leif Elsmo
Nathaniel Erdman*
Deb Figel
Allan Flynn*
Lynn Frederick*
Anthony & Kathryn Gargiulo**
Jacqueline Gelman
Gail Ginsberg
Stephen Glinke**
Good Heart Work Smart Foundation*
Lee Ann Gossett*
Barbara and Robert Graham
Edward and Marisa Green
Marjorie Greenwald

The Greffin Fund
Bob and Mary Anne Griffith**
John Grimes**
The Guenthner-Ashton Family Fund
Fidelity Charitable
Eloise Haller
Beth Hamilton*
Mike and Lisa Hamilton**
Michael and Janet Hanley
Carolyn & Mike Henning*
Michael Hickman*
Nate Hobaugh**
Kim and Mark Hoyt
Liz and Dan Huber
Michelle Humes**
Conor Hunt
Karen and Glenn Hunter
The Huseby Family
Greg and Jill Johnson
Lamar and Lisa Johnson
Lynn Kamenitsa and Jon Hale
Colleen Keleher
Jay Kelty*
Jan Kerr**
Karen Mullarkey Kerrins**
Chee-Young Kim & Andrew Hoog
Dr. Kent and Denise Kirk
Dr. Scott and Jean Kirk
Fran Knechel
Lavin Family Foundation
John Le Fevour*
John and Steffani Le Fevour
Aaron Levin*
Alex and Elizabeth Lippitt
Ross Lissuzzo
Victoria Lowdon
John and Michele Lynch
Mark & Amanda Manali**
Alex Manzara**
Markel Corporation
Michael and Susan Markowitz***
Sheryl Martin***
Laura and Andrew Maychruk
Sally McGowan
Kari McGrath and Michael Stutz
Daniel McLaughlin
Marie and Ekow Mensah
Dietra Millard
Shirley Moore***
Toni E. Moore
Chris Murray
Ellen and Scott Nelson**
Emily Nightengale**
Noll Family Charitable Fund
Monica Meder O'Callaghan
Amy and Patrick O'Dea
Keith O'Hara
John and Catherine O'Leary**
OPRF Softball**
OPTA Bargaining Team*
John and Sheila Pach Family Fund
Ravi Parakkat**

Sanjay Patel and Karen Lareau
Pearsall Family Foundation
Mike and Lynette Poirier
Darius and Susan Povilaitis
Friends of the Huskie Wrestling Family
Keith Reardon**
Laura Reardon***
Robyn Reed*
Jessica Richardson
John and Therese Rigas
Dory A. Rodriguez
David and Rebecca Romano
The Romans Family
Heidi Ruehle
Elise and Simon Saddleton
Brendan and Ali Sage**
David and Meredith Schacht
The Schmahl Family
Mary Jo and Stephen Schuler
Wayne Schumann**
Teddy and Norah Scott
Amanda Shaker*
Renee and Michael Sichlau
Julie Sievert
Pete and Dottie Sievert
The Simon Family
Carla Sloan
Sallie and Mark Smylie
Jeffrey Sodaro**
Carollina Song  - In Honor of Mary Ann Mohanraj
Bob Spatz
Kurt and Ellie Spoerer
Bill & Jayne Stapleton*
Tom Stapleton**
Tim Steffen**
Bob Stein
Robert Steinberg and Connie Rivera
John and Tina Steketee
Strikes Softball 14U*
John Strosin*
Laurentia Sutkowski*
Anita Swamy and Andre Ivy
Andrew Swift
Allison Terry - In Honor of Mike McDonnell
3rd Graders of Mr. Nicholas Sakellaris '24-'25*
Victor Vanek**
Venkatesan Family Fund
Donald Vogel
Kristin Carlson Vogen
Mark Walden
Frank Walsh**
Joyce Webster
The Wehman Family
Stacy Wettstein**
Mark Zouvas**

* In Honor of Sam Sakellaris
**In Honor of Coach Gary Olson

*** In Honor of Mary Jo Schuler

© 2023 The Imagine Foundation

Renderings by FGM Architects

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