Building the Future of OPRF: A Capital Campaign
The OPRFHS Imagine Foundation is planning a capital campaign to raise tens of millions of dollars for major facilities improvements at OPRF.
OPRF is a cornerstone of our community – a vibrant high school responsible for drawing families to the area, fostering a sense of community, and buoying home values. But the school’s cash reserves cannot pay for all of the work that is needed, nor can taxpayers afford to pay for all of it.
That’s why the Imagine Foundation is pairing private philanthropy with public school investment in a forward-thinking solution.
Funds raised in our Building the Future of OPRF campaign will support the construction of the Track and Fields Project (2023) and Project 2 (summer 2024) of the Imagine Long Term Facilities Plan. Project 2 builds a new physical education wing to replace the southeast corner of the building and includes some new and remodeled Theatre spaces. Project 2 adds more than 40,000 square feet to the landlocked building, freeing up space elsewhere for new performing arts spaces in Project 3.
The Imagine Foundation is in the capital campaign planning stage – having conversations with prospective anchor and major gift donors. We plan to kick off our community campaign in mid-2024. In the meantime, anyone interested in volunteering or becoming a donor should fill out the contact form below.
We know generous people – alumni, families, community members, and business owners – will step up and invest in the future of OPRF. The Imagine Foundation is looking for bold, visionary, and generous community leaders to make anchor and major gifts to create the safe, modern, and welcoming OPRF campus our community’s children need and deserve.